Selecting Evaluators for Academic Program Review


Evaluators will be appointed by the Provost or her/his designee upon recommendation from the academic unit and the line dean. The Provost reserves the right to delete names from the list, however, no evaluator will be named by the Provost without first being nominated by the academic unit.


Evaluators will review the self-study prior to the site visit, conduct a site visit and prepare a report. Guidelines will be provided to form the basis for the evaluation reports.


The academic unit head (chair/director) will work in conjunction with the unit faculty to develop a list of nominations. The academic unit director will forward the list to the line dean who may prioritize, comment and/or delete names on the list but cannot add names to the unit's original list. The line dean will submit the list to the APR coordinator who will forward the list to the Provost for review and appointment. Members of the academic unit should not contact nominees at any point during the review process without prior approval from the Academic Program Review Office.

External Evaluators

A minimum of six nominations are required.

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Each team will consist of a minimum of two individuals. Evaluators must have expertise in the same discipline as the unit being reviewed and must be established scholars in the field under review.

Nominees shall not have been a participant in the last unit review.

Nominees cannot have prior affiliation with a Michigan educational institution, nor can they have previous or current employment status at Wayne State University.

Nominees must be from a Carnegie Doctoral/Research (R1/R2) institution and/or from a unit that is generally recognized as being comparable to, or better than, the unit under review.

Nominees should be currently active research faculty. They should not be pre-tenure, emeritus, or non-tenure-track faculty.

Given Wayne State's ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion, we strongly encourage academic units to include nominations for evaluators from diverse and historically underrepresented backgrounds.

Review Advisory Panel

A minimum of nine nominations are required.

Click here to go directly to the form

Each panel will consist of a minimum of three individuals appointed by the Provost. The majority of panelists must be from outside the major administrative unit (i.e., school/college) in which the unit under review resides. At least two members must have graduate faculty status.

Nominees must be tenured faculty. They cannot be in the unit under review. The majority of nominees must be from outside the college/school in which the unit resides. Some of the nominees should have expertise in the same field or related field. Nominees cannot have adjunct or part-time status in the department or be involved with the department in such a way as to present a conflict of interest. There must be a minimum of nine nominations, with at least six nominees from outside the school/college in which the unit resides (3 for CLAS and School of Medicine programs).