General Education Program Assessment Presentations

Submitting Data on Canvas for General Education Assessment


  1. Why is the Gen Ed assignment published in Canvas?
    The assignment is published because Canvas does not allow us to grade an item if it is not published.
  2. Why is the module unpublished?
    The module is unpublished so that students do not see the assignment content.
  3. Can students see the institutional rubric?
    Yes. It is not possible to hide a rubric from students when it is attached to an assignment.
  4. Can students see their score?
    No, as long as the module remains unpublished. If the module is published, students will see everything.
  5. Is there an indicator once the assignment has been properly scored?
    Unfortunately not. We have configured this assignment to be excluded from the grade book. As a result, the green checkmark which typically indicates that an assignment is graded will not appear. The assignment is completely scored when there is an entry for each learning outcome.

Submitting Data on Excel Template for General Education Assessment