Faculty mentor FAQs

What are the expectations of the faculty mentors during the fellowship?

PFT mentors are usually tenured faculty who are expected to: (1) take an active role in helping the fellow plan and achieve his or her research goals; (2) assist the fellow in establishing a visible presence in the department; (3) facilitate opportunities for the fellow to participate in national and international research meetings; (4) encourage the fellow to focus full-time on research and professional development; (5) assist the fellow in seeking opportunities to present papers and (6) attend career development activities and individual consultations. The program encourages mentors to meet with their fellow at the beginning of the fellowship to discuss their working arrangements and consider appropriate long and short-term goals for the term of the fellowship. The mentor should not expect to meet all of the fellow's career development needs personally, but should provide an overall framework to ensure that the fellow has access to a broad academic network to support his or her work.

Are assistant professors allowed to be faculty mentors?

In general, tenured faculty members are preferred, however, in some cases assistant professors can be excellent prospective mentors.

How do I apply to be a PFT faculty mentor?

Use the online form to submit your application materials by 5 p.m. EST on April 15, 2017.

What is expected of host departments?

Host departments are encouraged to welcome the fellow into the department and make every effort to ensure that the fellow is included in communications about departmental colloquia, seminars and social events. Host departments will provide the fellow with information about salary and benefits, and to administer the fellow's research and professional travel funds. Host departments will provide the fellow with access to appropriate office space and routine administrative support such as telephone lines, departmental mail services, libraries and technical support. Departments are encouraged to consider applicants for faculty appointments, and provide fellows with timely information regarding a future faculty appointment at Wayne State University.

Please note: Department and faculty mentors will need to make appropriate arrangements for space and other necessary resources.

Who reviews the faculty mentor applications and what is the time frame?

A selection committee will review the faculty mentor applications. Those selected as mentors will be notified by May 1, 2017. The postdoc appointments begin Sept. 1, 2017 and end August 31, 2020.

Who do I contact with additional questions?

Please email Associate Provost for Scientific Training, Workforce Development and Diversity and Graduate School Dean Ambika Mathur at pft@wayne.edu.