Donyale Padgett
Professor Padgett has been a faculty member in the Department of Communication at Wayne since the fall of 2002 and on the tenure-track since 2006. Her professional background includes over 15 years as a communications professional, working primarily in client service, business development and strategic planning. She stays current in the industry through consulting projects and is a strong believer in bringing practical experience into her classroom. Through service learning projects, she gives her students practical learning experiences through planning and developing communication projects for local non-profit organizations who would not otherwise be able to afford professional communication services. In addition to her teaching, she is active throughout the university on initiatives related to diversity and inclusion and student engagement and retention efforts.
Degrees and Certifications
Professor Padgett is no stranger to Wayne State. Her background includes a bachelor's degree from WSU in journalism with a concentration in public relations; a master's degree from WSU in organizational communication and PR; and a Ph.D. from Howard University in rhetoric and intercultural communication.