Boris Baltes

Boris Baltes

Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs & Academic Personnel


Boris Baltes


Dr. Boris Baltes is Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Academic Personnel and is responsible for matters involving faculty and academic staff including overseeing recruitment, appointment, development, academic labor relations, as well as the promotion and tenure process. He also oversees all university type 1 centers as well as the office of teaching and learning. Finally, he serves as senior advisor to the provost on all academic matters and represents the provost in all academic matters as requested.

Dr. Baltes received his MBA from the University of Wisconsin in 1992 and his PhD in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Northern Illinois University in 1998. He joined the Department of Psychology at Wayne State University that year. Before joining the Provost’s office, he served as Chair of the Department of Psychology.

His major research interests include examining biases in performance appraisal, age and workplace issues as well as work-family conflict/balance. His work, including over 170 publications, chapters and presentations, has appeared in many journals including the Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management, and the Journal of Organizational Behavior. He is a guest editor for the Journal of Organizational Behavior and is on the editorial board of various journals. He is also a fellow of the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology (a division of the American Psychological Association). 

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