
Here at Wayne State University, we understand that faculty are the lifeblood of the university. In order to help you acclimate to your new position, we offer a comprehensive orientation for new faculty. For 2024, plan to join us on August 19 as we cover inclusive teaching and advising, research support, and shared governance and rights. We will highlight selected resources from departments across campus and provide opportunities to meet colleagues. Please see the New Faculty Orientation schedule for additional details. 

On August 19, 2024, we will begin our orientation with an opening from our Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Assistant Provost for Faculty Development and Faculty Success. Throughout orientation, we encourage you to meet other new faculty, identify people and services to ensure a seamless first year and ask any questions you may have. Explore our website and if you have any unanswered questions, please contact us at facultysuccess@wayne.edu.

Born Warriors 

video still of a student with the sun shining behind him and peeking over his left shoulder

Explore campus

map graphic with a red pinpoint in the middle of the map

Either in person or virtually, come see our
200-acre campus. 
Campus visit | Virtual tour

Explore Detroit

frontal view of The Thinker statue outside the Detroit Institute of Arts and includes a yellow banner with the words Explore Detroit

I have been to two new faculty orientations (and one industry orientation) prior to coming to Wayne and this orientation was leaps and bounds better than all of them. What we learned in this orientation and the welcoming, supportive and friendly staff and administration that we interacted with should have confirmed to everyone that they made the right choice in picking Wayne.  THANK YOU for putting us all on a tract where we have all the resources we need to succeed.  - New Faculty Member, 2019


  • Who should attend?

    New faculty orientation is open to all full-time faculty hired since August 2022 or those who were unable to attend last year's orientation. While your college and/or department may offer an orientation, this is the only university-wide orientation provided for new faculty, and attendance is strongly encouraged.

  • How long is orientation?

    This year's orientation will be held in person on Thursday, August 17, 2023. Additionally, we will have programming available throughout the fall semester specifically for new faculty. Sessions include presentations by offices such as Research, the union (AAUP-AFT), Academic Senate, and other departments across campus. We also include networking events and a resource fair to ensure that you meet people and make contacts across the campus. We strive to make it a fun and informative event to welcome you to Wayne State!

  • How much does it cost to attend?

    There is no cost for you to attend. Orientation is offered as a free resource to help you become familiar with the University and provide you with information to assist you in being successful throughout your career at Wayne State.

  • How often is orientation offered?

    Once a year. If you cannot attend this year, you are always welcome to join us at the next orientation. However, the information presented is designed to help you navigate your first year at Wayne State, so we highly encourage you to attend at your first opportunity.

  • What should I bring with me to orientation?

    Bring any questions you may have after reviewing the information on this site. If you need accommodations or have any questions about the event, please email us at facultysuccess@wayne.edu or call (313) 577- 2256.

  • Does WSU have a partner/spousal hiring program?

    WSU does not have a partner/spousal hiring program, but we are affiliated with the Michigan Higher Education Recruitment Consortium, a resource dedicated to dual-career couples in Michigan. Please see the Michigan HERC website for more detail. We also have a number of connections around metropolitan Detroit that may be able to assist your partner or spouse's employment search.