Professional development seminars

We offer a holistic array of professional development seminars and panels to support faculty and academic staff success. Offerings include seminars on strategies to improve scholarly productivity, networking and mentoring, work-life balance, and cultivating a positive workplace culture, and seminars focused on career advancement in which successful colleagues discuss their strategies for career and leadership development. Programming for the current academic year can be found below.

Reach out to our office for recordings of previous seminars you may have missed.

Upcoming professional development programming

Click on the session titles for more details and to register. Be sure to check back frequently as we add programming throughout the semester.

From “my courses” to “our program”

Feb. 25, 2:30 p.m | virtual

Learn about supporting your program’s mission with learning outcomes, curriculum maps, and assessments,a nd hear from faculty colleagues whose programs have benefitted from engagement with these tools.

Marketing and Communications resources for new faculty

Mar. 6, 2:30 p.m. | virtual

Learn about resources available to faculty from the Office of Marketing and Communications, like public relations, design and photography, editorial services, web planning, design and development, and video services.

ALA Open House session

March 7, 10:30 a.m. | virtual

Continue your leadership journey with the Academic Leadership Academy (ALA) – join us for an open Q&A session with ALA alums and steering committee members to learn more about the ALA, what they do and why, how to apply, and more!

Finding support from the Family Advocacy Network

Mar. 19, 2:30 p.m. | virtual

Learn about WSU resources on work, family, and life, like parental leave, caregiving, benefits, and more, including the Family Advocacy Network (FANs), a faculty-to-faculty support program initiated with NSF funding.

Promotion procedures for teaching track faculty

March 27, 3:30 p.m. | virtual

Join us for a session on the promotion process for teaching track faculty. We'll start with a brief presentation covering factors and guidelines, packet, and professional record prep, followed by a panel of faculty who have recently completed the process.

How the OSVPE supports students and faculty

April 2, 10 a.m. | virtual

Join us for an overview of the services offered by the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention and Education (OSVPE) in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month; learn how we can support students who have experienced sexual assault or gender-based violence and how OSVPE can support you in your classroom.

Promotion & Tenure for Tenure-Track Faculty

April 8, 3 p.m. | virtual

Join us virtually for an overview of the promotion and tenure (P&T) process for tenure-track faculty, followed by a panel of faculty who recently completed the P&T process.

April faculty chat

Apr. 10, 1:30 p.m. | virtual

Join us for an informal virtual coffee break. This will be a great opportunity to take a breather, connect with colleagues, and ask questions or discuss a variety of topics in a relaxed setting.

Crafting your narrative and strategic plan

April 11, 11 a.m. | virtual

In the final session of our Associate to full workshop series, intended to provide tenured Associate Professors with tools to support their pursuit of promotion to Professor, we'll summarize the year, share encouraging stories, and discuss best practices for crafting your narrative and planning the next moves you should make toward promotion to full.