Provost Office Appeal Procedure

Academic Dismissal and Grade Appeals


In matters where a College's signed final decision is based upon the evaluation of a student's academic performance, and when review procedures available to him/her within the College have been exhausted, the student may request the Vice Provost for Academic Programs to review that decision on the record. The academic appeal form must be submitted by the student himself/herself, within thirty calendar days of the postmark of the College's final decision, which is to be sent to the address provided by the student in the College's review procedures. The Vice Provost's review of the College's decision will proceed as soon as practicable after submission by the student of his/her wish to seek review.

A copy of the School/College's final decision MUST BE SUBMITTED with the appeal.

Ph.D. student appeals that rise to the level of the Office of the Provost will be handled by the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School. All other appeals, including undergraduate students, Law School students, and students in the clinical programs in Social Work, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Nursing, will be handled by R. Darin Ellis, Vice Provost for Academic Programs.

  • Students must complete the School/College procedures before appealing to the Provost Office.
  • If you do not enter an email address, your WSU email will be entered. Please check your spam.
  • All attachments must be either pdf, Word, jpg or png versions.
  • The Administration is committed to thoroughly reviewing each appeal. In most cases, this investigation takes approximately 30 days or less; however, in some instances, more time is required. Students will receive a final decision via email from the "Maxient System." 

The email notification will be the final decision in the appeal process.