University Leadership Council

The University Leadership Council was created by Wayne State President Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D., and supported by Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Laurie M. Lauzon Clabo, to promote deeper connections and articulation between the work of executive and academic leaders and include and consider important shared governance perspectives.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Facilitate institutional, enterprise thinking across executive and academic leadership to advance the university as a whole. 
  • Provide a venue for collective consideration and vetting of important operational matters from multiple perspectives, including that of our shared governance colleagues.
  • Advance process improvements through consideration of campus administrative and operational practices.
  • Provide input into institutional leadership initiatives such as planning, implementation and evaluation, and disseminate information from and/or gaining input into the ongoing activities and work of the executive teams. 
  • Assist in prioritizing initiatives and building consensus about overall campus needs, actions and outcomes.
  • Intentionally link the work of the Council of Deans and the executive teams.

Fundamental to the council's work and undergirding our leadership efforts is our commitment to deep and broad engagement with our communities, as well as our fundamental lens and shared action to promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

The council, chaired by Provost Clabo, is scheduled to meet twice a month.

Laurie M. Lauzon Clabo

Laurie M. Lauzon Clabo

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Ezemenari Obasi

Ezemenari Obasi

Vice President for Research
Ali Abolmaali

Ali Abolmaali

Dean, College of Engineering
Boris Baltes

Boris Baltes

Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs & Academic Personnel
Denise Taliaferro Baszile

Denise Taliaferro Baszile

Dean, College of Education
Linda Beale

Linda Beale

President, Academic Senate
Ramona Benkert

Ramona Benkert

Dean, College of Nursing
Richard Bierschbach

Richard Bierschbach

Dean, Law School
Paul Bracke

Paul Bracke

Dean, University Libraries and the School of Information Sciences
Amanda Bryant-Friedrich

Amanda Bryant-Friedrich

Dean, Graduate School
Elena Past

Elena Past

Interim Dean, Irvin D. Reid Honors College
Brian Cummings

Brian Cummings

Dean, Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Rob Davenport

Rob Davenport

Associate Vice President for Facilities Planning and Management
Hasan Elahi

Hasan Elahi

Dean, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
Bethany Gielczyk

Bethany Gielczyk

Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Carolyn Hafner

Carolyn Hafner

Associate Vice President for Human Resources
Stephanie Hartwell

Stephanie Hartwell

Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Hayden Johnson

Hayden Johnson

President, Student Senate
Virginia Franke Kleist

Virginia Franke Kleist

Dean, Mike Ilitch School of Business
Sheryl Kubiak

Sheryl Kubiak

Dean, School of Social Work
Patrick O. Lindsey

Patrick O. Lindsey

Community Affairs Vice President
Julie Miller

Julie Miller

University Secretary and Executive Officer to the Board of Governors
Michael Poterala

Michael Poterala

Vice President and General Counsel
David Ripple

David Ripple

Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs and President, Wayne State University Foundation
Wael Sakr

Wael Sakr

Dean, School of Medicine
Mark Schweitzer

Mark Schweitzer

Special Associate for Public Health Planning
Melissa Smiley

Melissa Smiley

Chief of Staff and University Relations Officer
Ned Staebler

Ned Staebler

Vice President for Economic Development
Rob Thompson

Rob Thompson

Acting Vice President for Enterprise Planning and Operational Excellence
Erika Wallace

Erika Wallace

Director of Athletics