Program overview

Wayne Med-Direct is a unique Bachelors of Science/ Bachelors of Arts (B.S./B.A.) to Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) program that admits 10 students each year to Wayne State University's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Irvin D. Reid Honors College and creates a pipeline for admission to Wayne State's School of Medicine. 

Wayne Med-Direct is not an accelerated program.

Undergraduate Program (4 years)

  • Supported by Wayne Med-Direct undergraduate scholarship**
    • 4 years of paid undergraduate tuition and fees
    • 4 years of paid undergraduate room and board in university housing
  • Admission to College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS)
    • Pursue any major in CLAS
  • Admission Irvin D. Reid Honors College
  • Follow and complete pre-medicine track of coursework 
  • Participation in cutting-edge research with renowned faculty mentors
  • Participation in curricular enhancements such as community service and clinical experiences
  • Participation in a Learning Community focused on leadership training and health disparities education 
  • Dedicated academic advising in all 4 years
  • Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) preparation coursework and support
  • Medical school application support and interview prep

**Subject to scholarship eligibility criteria and maintaining satisfactory academic progress 

Admission to WSU School of Medicine

General medical school matriculation criteria: 

  • Obtain a 3.5 cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA) at the time of application to medical school
  • Obtain a 3.65 cumulative Science (BCPM#) GPA as calculated by the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS)  at the time of application to medical school
  • Gain medically related and other extracurricular experiences
  • Obtain a B.S. or B.A. degree from the University at the end of the Undergraduate Term
  • Successfully complete the MCAT with a score no less than the 70th percentile
  • Complete the Wayne State University School of Medicine (WSUSOM) process (including application submission and interviews) for applying for admission to the MD program no later than the junior year 

#All Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics courses 

WSUSOM's holistic admission process may consider other factors that are not limited to the above criteria. Although admission to WSU School of medicine is NOT guaranteed, students who have met the above criteria in the past have successfully matriculated to medical school. 

MD program (4 years)

  • Supported by Wayne Med-Direct School of Medicine scholarship**
    • Four years of paid School of Medicine tuition and fees
  • Complete the MD program at WSU School of Medicine

**Subject to scholarship eligibility criteria and maintaining satisfactory academic progress