Wayne Med-Direct scholarship

Growing up, my parents always encouraged me to not only be a United States citizen, but a global citizen. This idea inspired me to become a physician because doctors are the first line of defense for treating health disparities throughout communities. I know that Wayne Med-Direct program will give me the skills I need to fulfill my goals of being a global citizen and helping people from all walks of life achieve better health.                                                                      -Leah Warren-Wayne Med-Direct cohort 2017

Wayne State University established the Wayne Med-Direct Scholarship to support deserving students who commit to complete both their undergraduate and medical school education at the university. The Wayne Med-Direct Scholarship includes two individual scholarships, the Undergraduate Scholarship and the WSUSOM Scholarship.

Wayne Med-Direct Undergraduate scholarship

The Undergraduate scholarship consists of an amount equal to the cost of the student's:

  1. full-time undergraduate tuition and fees for the fall and winter semesters,
  2. applicable undergraduate tuition and fees for the spring and summer semesters,
  3. undergraduate room and board in university housing for the fall, winter, spring and summer semesters.

If a student receives a Pell grant, the Undergraduate scholarship is reduced in the amount of the grant. However, Pell-eligible students receive a book scholarship of $500 each fall and winter semester.

The combination of all financial aid cannot exceed a student's financial aid budget.

To remain eligible for the Undergraduate scholarship, a student must, for each award year, meet these requirements.

  1. File an annual Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and complete all requirements.
  2. Be enrolled and maintain good standing in Wayne State University Irvin D. Reid Honors College.
  3. Pursue a major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and follow the pre-medicine track of coursework.
  4. Be enrolled as a full-time student in the fall and winter semesters.
  5. Create a locked academic plan in DegreeWorks as instructed in the Student Guide in the program website, and comply with the locked plan during the Undergraduate Term.
  6. Complete all the requirements set forth by the Med-Direct program curriculum including the Learning Community Seminar requirement.

To be awarded the Undergraduate scholarship for four consecutive years, a student must also satisfy these academic progress requirements.

  1. Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 at the end of each semester the student is registered and taking classes.
  2. Cumulative and semester GPAs will be evaluated at the end of every semester. If the cumulative GPA is below 3.5 or if the semester GPA is below 3.0 at the end of any semester (except the last semester before graduation), student will be required to participate in the Wayne Med Direct Probation Program during the next academic semester. The purpose of probation is to assist the student to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.5 by the conclusion of the Undergraduate Term. The Student will be required to enter a probation contract and eligibility for further Undergraduate Scholarship awards will be evaluated at the end of the probationary semester. If the student's semester GPA is below 3.5 in the probationary semesteror if the student failed to completely participate in the probationary programming as outlined in the probation contract, the student may be deemed ineligible for further Undergraduate Scholarship awards. Student may be allowed no more than three probationary semesters.

Wayne Med-Direct Wayne State University School of Medicine (WSUSOM) scholarship

The WSUSOM scholarship consists of full-time Wayne State University School of Medicine tuition and fees for four consecutive years of medical school education.

To receive the WSUSOM scholarship, a student must meet the following award criteria.

  1. Maintain Undergraduate Scholarship eligibility at the end of all semesters the student is registered and taking classes.
  2. Have a 3.5 cumulative undergraduate GPA at the end of the last semester of the Undergraduate Term.
  3. Obtain a B.S. or B.A. degree from the University at the completion of Student's Undergraduate Term.
  4. Complete the WSUSOM process for applying for admission to the medical doctor (M.D.) program no later than the junior year.
  5. Successfully complete the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) with a score no less than the 70th percentile.
  6. Be admitted to the WSUSOM M.D. program

Satisfaction of WSUSOM Scholarship Award Criteria (1) through (5) does NOT guarantee admission to the WSUSOM. WSUSOM admission decisions may consider a wide array of factors that are not limited to criteria (1) through (5) above.

 In the event a student does not meet any of the WSUSOM scholarship eligibility criteria listed above and does not receive an offer of admission by the WSUSOM Admissions Committee through the Med-Direct Program, the student can still apply for admission to the WSUSOM. However, the Med-Direct scholarship would no longer apply. The student would be eligible to apply for all other scholarships available to applicants.

To remain eligible to receive the WSUSOM scholarship for four consecutive years during medical school, a student must be enrolled at WSUSOM as a regular M.D. student and satisfy all of WSUSOM's academic and professional standards as determined by the WSUSOM promotions committee.


Frequently asked questions

  • I receive the Pell grant. Why am I not getting it as a refund?

    If a student receives a Pell grant, it will be applied to cover the student's cost of attendance, so the Undergraduate Scholarship will be reduced in the amount of the grant. As a result, Pell recipients will not receive the Pell grant money as a refund to them.

    However, Pell grant eligible students will receive a book scholarship in the amount of $500 each fall and winter semester to cover the cost of books.

    Please note that combination of all financial aid cannot exceed student's financial aid budget.

  • Under what circumstances might I not be admitted to WSU School of Medicine and therefore become ineligible to receive the scholarship?

    General medical school matriculation criteria include:  

    • Obtain a 3.5 cumulative undergraduate GPA at the time of application to medical school  

    • Obtain a 3.5 cumulative Science (BCPM#) GPA as calculated by AMCAS at the time of application to medical school  

    • Gain medically related and other extracurricular experiences   

    • Obtain a B.S. or B.A. degree from the University at the end of the Undergraduate Term   

    • Successfully complete the MCAT with a score no less than the 70th percentile   

    • Complete the WSUSOM process (including application submission and interviews) for applying for admission to the MD program no later than the junior year  

    #All Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics courses.

    WSUSOM’s holistic admission process may consider other factors that are not limited to the above criteria. If the School of Medicine admission committee identifies a serious issue (i.e. history of unprofessional behavior of the student in academic and/or social settings, serious concerns in undergraduate academic progress, perform poorly in the interview etc.), it may decide that the student cannot be admitted to the M.D. program.

    Although admission to WSU School of medicine is NOT guaranteed, students who met the matriculation criteria in the past were successfully admitted to WSU School of Medicine. 

  • What are the undergraduate room and board options offered by the Wayne Med-Direct Undergraduate Scholarship?

    Wayne Med-Direct Undergraduate Scholarship offers room and board to Wayne Med-Direct students in university housing for the fall, winter, spring and summer semesters during the four years of their undergraduate term. All Wayne Med-Direct students must live in university housing during their undergraduate term and there is no option to commute. All housing and meal plan options will not be available to students to choose from.

    Fall and Winter housing options are:  

    • First Year Students will be assigned a 4- or 6-person suite in Chatsworth Suites on the Irvin D. Reid Honors College LLC floor by the WMD program coordinator 

    • Second Year Students will be assigned to a D or F Suite in Towers Residential Suites by the WMD program coordinator 

    • Third and Fourth Year Students can choose to live in either Tower Residential Suites or Anthony Wayne Drive Apartments (AWD). Following conditions apply:  

    • WMD housing scholarship will only cover the amount of a D/F Suite in Towers Residential Suites. If the student chooses to live in AWD, the student is responsible for covering the difference in cost. 

    • Students can choose the room they wish to reside and their roommates. Roommates are not required to be in the WMD program at this stage. They will be expected to adhere to the WSU Housing room selection timelines and processes. 

    Spring/Summer housing options are: 

    • All students will be assigned to available housing spaces on campus by the WMD program coordinator 


    Fall and Winter meal plan options are: 

    • First-Year Students can choose: 

    • Warrior Pass 200 (Unlimited + $150 Warrior Dollars/sem + $50 One Card Dollars/sem) 

    • Weekly 15 + $400 (Fifteen Swipes/wk + $300 Warrior Dollars/sem + $100 One Card Dollars/sem) 

    • Block 175 + $550 (175 Swipes/sem+ $425 Warrior Dollars/sem + $125 One Card Dollars/sem) 


    • Second, Third, and Fourth year students can choose: 

    • Warrior Pass 200 (Unlimited + $150 Warrior Dollars/sem + $50 One Card Dollars/sem) 

    • Weekly 15 + $400 (Fifteen Swipes/wk + $300 Warrior Dollars/sem + $100 One Card Dollars/sem) 

    • Block 175 + $550 (175 Swipes/sem+ $425 Warrior Dollars/sem + $125 One Card Dollars/sem) 

    • Block 110 + $550 (110 Swipes/sem+ $425 Warrior Dollars/sem + $125 One Card Dollars/sem) 

    Spring/Summer meal plan options: 

    • All students will receive an applicable meal plan which offers a combination of Warrior Dollars and meal swipes