All program changes can be requested using one form:
This new form incorporates the basic proposal requirements that can be found on the Office of the Provost and Graduate School websites. It is recommended that the effective term for program requests be the academic year following approval.
For new programs, choose the effective academic year and academic level. An academic level must be entered in order to provide a correlating list of appropriate program proposals for that level. All fields on the new program proposal should be completed unless the field is deemed inapplicable.
For revisions to existing programs, form information is prepopulated based on data in banner and the university bulletin. The revision form is generally brief, concentrating on changes to requirements and assessment information. A program must be currently or previously listed in the bulletin, in order to appear on this form.
Requests for program discontinuance can be initiated using the form. Requests for admission moratoriums that will not result in discontinuance should be made by contacting the Office of the Provost or Graduate School directly.
When filling out the form, look for help bubbles. These will provide answers to general questions.
In-progress proposals can be saved without being submitted to the workflow. The review process will not begin until the "Start Workflow" button has been selected. All program workflows must include the following steps:
- Department chair (where applicable)
- Dean's office
- Provost's office (undergraduate, professional, and split-level)
- Graduate School (graduate)
- Board of Governors (For new or discontinued programs)
Additional steps can be added to the workflow by request.
The workflow does not directly list every step. For example, the college dean's office step might require that a proposal is reviewed by various faculty committees and the college dean before passing that approval step.
In all cases, the Board of Governors review will be conducted under the Provost step in the workflow. Documents submitted to the Board of Governors will need to be prepared and uploaded to this system, using the standard Board of Governors program proposal templates below:
- BoG Template for New Undergraduate Program (Word)
- BoG Template for New Graduate Program (Word)
- BoG Template for Discontinuance (Word)
- BoG Template for Name Change (Word)
Workflow is managed through a series of automated emails from the Course Records address. Each email will include links to the proposal and the approver's approval queue. During the review process, all users can visit the program form home page to view workflow progress.
All questions about this form should be directed to