Bulletin Revisions

The university bulletins are revised on an annual cycle, which begins every year's fall term and concludes the following March. The university bulletins are published online before the beginning of the fall term registration period covered under those bulletins.

Once published, the bulletin can continue to be edited for a short period. All post-publication edits must be made by the Course Records Office. Each edition of the bulletin will be archived prior to the beginning of the new academic year. Once archived, no additional changes can be made. Contact courserecords@wayne.edu for more information.

The ability to revise the university bulletins is limited to users with direct access. The list of users for each section is determined by the program, department, school/college, or unit. Access requests should be verified by the department chair or school/college dean's office. The bulletin editing environment is available at https://nextbulletins.wayne.edu.

The bulletin is now integrated with the course and program forms. All course data is sourced directly from banner, so any changes should be requested using a course form https://nextbulletins.wayne.edu/courseadmin/

Information included on a Requirements tab in the bulletin is edited using linked program proposal forms. After clicking Edit Page to begin an editing session, the Requirements tab for each program will include the link, "Edit Program Requirements," inside the gray shaded area including the requirements. Selecting this link will direct a user to a program's specific form within the program management system.

The faculty list is limited to full-time, salaried appointments, and emerita/emeritus appointments. Examples of full-time appointments include professor, associate professor, and assistant professor; research or clinical faculty; and instructor, lecturer, and senior lecturer. All faculty changes should be requested using web forms. The updated information will appear on both department pages and the A-Z lists.

The 2024-25 bulletins will be published in late March 2024. The following is a suggested timeline to help meet this deadline:

  • October 18 All programs should have completed a preliminary review and determined if revisions are necessary.
  • December 8 Workflow should be started for the course and program forms related to the bulletin revision cycle.
  • February 2 Course and program revisions should have advanced to the Provost's Office or Graduate School step of the workflow.
  • March 1 The review of department faculty lists should be complete.
  • March 11 Provost's Office and Graduate School reviews should be complete; bulletin editing privileges will no longer be available to users.*
  • March 25 The 2024-25 bulletins will be published online. 
  • July 1 The 2024-25 bulletins will be archived to produce the official editions for university records. No changes will be permitted beyond this date.

*We cannot guarantee that changes submitted after this date will be included in the 2024-25 edition of the bulletin. All late revisions require explicit approval from the associate provost for academic programs.