Eligibility and admissions


Wayne Med-Direct evaluates candidates through a holistic admission process. To be eligible to apply, you must:

  • Have a minimum 3.5 GPA
  • Have a minimum 1310 SAT or 28 ACT score
  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Be an incoming freshman

Minimum 3.5 GPA

GPA is considered as reported in the high school transcript. There is no preference for a weighted or unweighted GPA. Students from special curriculum schools get no preference.

Minimum 1310 SAT or 28 ACT score

SAT/ACT scores submitted prior to the December 1 deadline will be super scored to determine eligibility. SAT subject tests are not required and will not give an applicant an advantage.

U.S. citizen or permanent resident

Only U.S. citizens or permanent residents will be considered for admission to Wayne Med-Direct. Neither Canadian citizens nor others living in the U.S. on a visa are considered for admission to this program.

Wayne Med-Direct accepts applications from all over the United States. However, the out-of-state/in-state ratio of an incoming group is not predetermined.

Be an incoming freshman

Wayne Med-Direct only admits high school graduates who will be first-time college students. Current Wayne State students, students enrolled in any other college or university, or bachelor's degree holders should not apply.

Applicants with college credits earned while in high school (or AP/IB credits) may submit college transcripts, but they are not required.

Disadvantaged socioeconomic background

All students who meet the above eligibility requirements are welcome to apply to Wayne Med-Direct. However, during the selection process preference is given to students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds who are also interested in studying health disparities.

The term "from disadvantaged socio-economic background" is often misunderstood as meaning that a student must have financial need in order to apply to Wayne Med-Direct, but this is not true. Disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds can represent limited access to financial resources, education, healthcare, and social support.  This can hinder someone’s opportunity for economic stability compared to more advantaged groups in society. Students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds often face greater challenges in achieving educational and career goals.

In one of the two statements required in the secondary application for Wayne Med-Direct, a student should address the socioeconomic disadvantages faced.

Holistic review process

Applications are evaluated by the Wayne Med-Direct admission committee using a holistic approach, considering the following factors:

  • Academic achievements (Awards/Honors)
  • Intentions of applying to Wayne Med-Direct (Why)
  • Interest in learning about health disparities (How and Why)
  • Socioeconomic disadvantages faced
  • Leadership experiences
  • Extracurricular and team activities
  • Letters of recommendation from academic and community standpoints
  • Health care experiences
  • Community service/volunteering experiences

In a holistic review, the admission committee reviews all components of the application. It is an individualized way of evaluating the applicant's capabilities, giving a balanced consideration to academic achievements, experiences and other attributes. Every component of the application is an important metric of the student's life, values and goals, and, when combined, the committee can recognize the true potential of an individual to become a successful undergraduate student, a medical student and a physician in the future.

If you have experience with healthcare or research, or if you've been a volunteer, tell us about those experiences. However, none of these are required to be a successful candidate.


Our students are unique in every possible way. There is no typical candidate for Wayne Med-Direct.

Because of our holistic approach, no single component will carry a greater weight or give a student an added advantage. We want to see candidates who strive to do their best in everything pursued. Take steps to build your resume and demonstrate engagement beyond class.

Tell us all about yourself, your accomplishments, experiences, passions, dreams and what you hope to accomplish through Wayne Med-Direct. Most importantly, express your true motivation in applying to Wayne Med-Direct and make sure that it aligns with the program mission.